Scattering Ashes
'Ashes' is a somewhat misleading term.
Cremated remains are more of a granular texture (like coarse sand) and are surprisingly heavy and bulky (average 2.5kg).
Ashes leave the crematorium in either a Basic Blue Box made from very solid plastic or a white cardboard scattering tube.
You also have the option of a decorated or themed scattering tube. There are plenty of designs to choose from which cost around $100. There are also numerous biodegradable options available.
We can arrange the decorated scattering tube and will deliver the ashes directly to the family.
It is perfectly possible to store the ashes indefinitely in these scattering tubes as long as you do so in a cool, dry place.
Click each image to open it in high resolution which allows you to see the quality, reproduction and detail on each tube.
Dimensions :
-- Scattering Tubes : 32cm tall x 13cm diameter
-- Basic Blue Box : 26cm x 15cm x 12cm
If more permanent storage is your preference there are a wide variety of brass, timber or ceramic urns available.
These come is just about any size and shape with a starting price of around $250 upwards.
So what do people do with ashes?
They can be kept on the metaphorical mantlepiece, buried or interred in a niche at a local cemetery - or scattered.
If you choose to scatter the ashes, it is usual to choose a place of particular significance to the deceased - a 'special place', somewhere they loved to visit and where you will always think of them.
In practical terms, if scattering on private land permission of the landowner should be sought.
If scattering in your own property, such as your own garden bed you should think carefully as to how you might feel in the future if you want to sell or move away?
Many people will therefore choose to scatter in that 'special place' or perhaps in to water - whether a river, a lake or at the beach.
No matter where you choose to scatter the ashes, there are a few considerations to be thought of.
How busy is you selected spot? Is it fitting for your loved one on the day?
Would they want it busy place bustling with people and foot traffic, or would they prefer a somewhat quieter secluded place?
Next is wind direction - always check the breeze will not blow the ashes back towards you.
Sometimes the wind direction is obvious... a 30 knot southerly is pretty definite, but there are times when conditions are more subtle.
A simple check is to toss something in the air. Blades of grass, a pinch of soil or a couple of small leaves. This will give you an idea of breeze strength and direction.
Headlands and cliffs can be tricky as there is often an updraft. Make your simple check with the grass or soil be be sure the location is going to work for you.
If in water, having a number of small single stem flowers to cast into the water with or immediately after the ashes definitely softens the moment.
And of course, a toast is always most welcome!
At Northern Beaches Funerals, we create the perfect farewell based on your wishes and the options available.
Every person is unique. Every family is different.
With us, every Funeral is Individual.
-- 0416 178 129
-- kathryn@northernbeachesfunerals.com.au